In Boating Emergency: call Marine Rescue using VHF Ch 16 or 27Mhz Ch 88, or ring Triple Zero (000)


About Marine Rescue Sussex Inlet


 30B Sussex Rd.
South Sussex Inlet


 PO Box 6025, Sussex Inlet, NSW. 2540


 02 4441 3555


 Operational Hrs


 Operational Area

 Cape St. George in the North to Bendalong Point in the South,
7 Nautical to Sea,
St Georges Basin and Sussex Inlet.

 Unit Commander

 Karen Lowry - 0427 501 578

 Deputy Unit Commander

 Greg Tuffy

Marine Rescue Sussex Inlet can be contacted 24-7 and is one of 45 units of Volunteer Marine Rescue NSW, the state's official accredited volunteer marine rescue service for the NSW boating public and visiting boaters from interstate and overseas.

Sussex Inlet Marine Rescue – 24/7 capability

Logo badge
Weekends; Public Holidays, NSW School Holidays
Base manned 0700 – 1700 VHF Ch 16
27 Mhz Ch 88
Call 02 4441 3555
Call 000 (in emergency only)
Base not manned 1700 – 0700 Call 02 4441 3555
Call 000 (in emergency only)
Weekdays – non-School Holidays
Base manned 0700 – 1300 VHF Ch 16
27 Mhz Ch 88
Call On 02 4441 3555
Call 000 (in emergency only)
Base not manned 1300 – 0700 Call 02 4441 3555
Call 000 (in emergency only)
Any Time Using App
0001 - 2359 APP to Log On and Log Off

Marine Rescue NSW bases provide a modern, world-class standard of boating safety support including:

On average every year, Marine Rescue NSW rescues more than 3,000 vessels in trouble carrying over 7,500 men, women and children including over 1,850 facing serious, life-threatening emergencies.

Like all other Marine Rescue NSW bases, Marine Rescue Sussex Inlet volunteers provide a similar proportion of rescues in our part of NSW.

We urge all boaters, local and visitors alike, to use our Log On-Log Off service to ensure someone responsible is keeping a safety watch on your boat while on our waters. The Marine Rescue App for smartphones makes this even easier than ever.

For more details call Marine Rescue Sussex Inlet on 02 4441 3555 or visit Marine Rescue NSW.

Frequencies monitored: VHF Channels 16 and 73 and 27MHz Channels 88 and 91.
Our radio operators are aways available  ^ To the top.

Management Team - Marine Rescue Sussex Inlet

Unit Commander - Karen Lowry -
Deputy Unit Commander - Greg Tuffy -
Treasurer - Gwen Ligteringen -
Administration Officer - Joanne Cowell -
Training Officer - Les Pataky
Training Systems Officer - Jim Cross
Public Officer - Lawrence Jaques
Boat Master - Tom Jensen
Fund Raising Officer - Tom Jensen
 ^ To the top.

Volunteers Wanted - Marine Rescue Sussex Inlet

Volunteer Join our team today.
Various option available,
      Vessel crew
      Radio Operator
      Fund Raising
      Social Member
For more information go to the Marine Rescue NSW web site at
Marine Rescue NSW.Become a Volunteer
Phone 4441 3555 to speak to someone locally.
Volunteers saving lives on the water.
Volunteer banner
 ^ To the top.
Radio Club Application Form   ^ To the top.
Radio Club Application form
 ^ To the top.

History of Marine Rescue Sussex Inlet

Volunteer marine rescue services in Sussex Inlet began in 1974. Local resident John Nicholas, established a stand-by marine radio base in his home for the Royal Volunteer Coastal Patrol base at Shoalhaven in Greenwell Point, of which was he was a member.

As more Sussex Inlet residents joined the organisation, it was decided in 1982 that Sussex Inlet should apply to the national headquarters of the RVCP to be recognised as a new division serving the growing boating community of Sussex Inlet and St Georges Basin.

The new division was formally established and John Nicholas was appointed Divisional Commander and members used their own private boats to meet the needs of the boating community.

By 1984, after some successful fundraising and loans from four of the members, the Sussex Inlet volunteers were able to purchase the first vessel dedicated to rescue work and owned by the division itself. This vessel was named "Patrol Rescue".

Together with members' own boats, the new vessel provided an efficient rescue service for the local inland waters as well as the adjacent coastal waters of Wreck Bay.

Community Spirit 2

Two years later after more intensive fundraising, the Sussex Inlet volunteers were able to commission the construction of our first purpose-built rescue vessel from a builder in South Australia. By drawing on the experience of the members on local waters and studying the needs of a specialist vessel able to handle the Bar at the entrance to the inlet, it was decided that a jet-propulsion vessel powered by a 210hp turbocharged diesel engine would meet the demands of crossing the bar at any time except at very low tides.

This combination proved to be an excellent choice with the new vessel performing to all expectations.

The former vessel was sold and the name "Patrol Rescue" retained. A rigid hull inflatable boat (RHIB) was also acquired for inshore work where shallow waters required a vessel with very little draft.

In 1991 John Nicholas was promoted to Captain and appointed as the RVCP Southern Region Captain for NSW. David Jones, another dedicated and tireless member was appointed Divisional Commander.

John was appointed Officer Commanding of the RVCP in 1998 and was later awarded the Emergency Services Medal (ESM) by Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II.

David Jones succeeded John Nicholas as Captain South in 1998 and was appointed a Company Director of the organisation. He was elected Chairman of Directors in 2003.

Both John and David have been honoured as Life Members of Marine Rescue NSW.

Community Spirit

In 2006 "Patrol Rescue" was replaced by a custom built, member-designed 8.5m jet boat constructed to 2C Survey standard as required by the NSW State Rescue Board. It was named "Community Spirit" and is used for offshore work.

At the same time the inshore RHIB was replaced by a 5.9m Stabicraft named "Community Spirit II".

John Nicholas

In 2019 both boats, Community Spirit and Community Spirit II, were sold. This enabled us to purchase a state of the art Ocean Cylinder vessel. This vessel has the latest in navigation and radar. It is equipped with FLIR night vision and with twin motors means we can respond at high speed and this also makes it a more reliable craft.

Sussex Inlet members have played an important part in the management and operations of both the local division as well as the parent RVCP organisation.

Unit Command History
 2006   David Jones was appointed RVCP Company Secretary and was awarded the Emergency Services Medal by Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II;

Kate Jones promoted to Captain South;

Ron Ford appointed Divisional Commander.
 2009 John Lang appointed Divisional Commander and oversees transition to Marine Rescue NSW;
 2010 Marine Rescue Sussex Inlet becomes operational in January.
 2014 Ron Ford elected Unit Commander.
 2016 Ellen Dodd elected Unit Commander.
 2020 Karen Lowry elected Unit Commander.

The Base

Old Base

The original base for
RVCP Sussex Inlet.

The original base building was a former private boatshed built around 1940 and given to Shoalhaven City Council in 1981 for the sole use of Sussex Inlet RVCP.

In 2006, the existing building was not only too small for the increased membership and necessary facilities and equipment but it was also slowly sinking into the Inlet and contained extensive asbestos. It was time to plan for a new Base.

With the generous assistance of Shoalhaven City Council, a Federal Government Grant and overwhelming support from the local community, a new base was designed and constructed to meet the needs of both the local and visiting boating community as well as the volunteers who operated the service.

The new base was officially opened on 2nd December 2009 by Shoalhaven Mayor Councillor Paul Green. Marine Rescue Sussex Inlet welcomes visitors to the base which is located on the waterfront at 30B Sussex Road, Sussex Inlet.

Visitors are welcome from 8am to 1pm 7 Monday-Friday and 8am to 4 pm Saturday and Sunday.

The new Base
Patrol Base 2012 Floor plan

Gale Warning Gale Warning

Page last updated August 2020.      ^ To the top.