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Dragonboaters & Christians Minde
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Homes on the canals
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Canal living
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The canals curve around the homes
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Entrance to the canals from Chris Creek bridge
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Free drinks
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Merged photos of Sussex Inlet
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Evening on the canals
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Jacobs Drive bridge
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Badgee Bridge
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Chris Creek bridge
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Chris Creek bridge from the picnic area

Sussex Inlet Scenic Spots - Page 3

Move your cursor to a photo to enlarge it.
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Common bird life
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A traditional river craft
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Enjoying Australia Day 2012
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A traditional rowing boat on our safe waterways
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A sunny peaceful day on The Inlet
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View from the river-side walk of Cater Cutting
A small island in the back ground
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A wild party
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Thomson St complex including primary School,
Fire brigade station, Ambulance station,
indoor swimming pool, Men's shed, tennis,
net ball, soccer, cricket and meeting rooms
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Yacht racing on the Basin
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The start of a Regatta race on St Georges Basin
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The canals, with Finkernagel Oval in the forground
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A black swan family near the Jacobs Rd bridge
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